
そうだ ガーナ、行こう。






The season here has changed since late November last year. Harmattan blow strongly with large amounts of sand and dust brought from the Sahara desert, addition to the cold dry weather. This wind quickly covers everything-everywhere with sand and dirt.

This season should be one of the most difficult period for whoever lives in the areas inland of west African countries, of couse including the northern part of Ghana.






Let me provide an update from my recipient agency, ProNet. We've been busy operating two big projects which started since the end of last year.

One is named “Strategic Approaches to Girls Education (STAGE).” It started to support out of school girls to get back to learn, funded by a British organization, DFID. The other is named “ENOUGH.” It has been implemented to combat sexual gender-based violence (SGBV for short) funded by the EU. ENOUGH has been designed to create an enabling environment for girls and women to know, claim and exercise their rights to end harmful practices, such as sexual violence, rape, FGM(Female Genital Mutilation), child marriage and pregnancy in Mali, Liberia and Ghana.

As CSO who has a responsibility to run this project in the UW region, we ‘ve just started to create and sensitize awareness on SGBV for stakeholder and community, working with the social welfare officers from Wa municipal and assemblymen from each community. This project is also aiming to support victims’ income generation and access to appropriate healthcare as its secondary effect.

*Photo: ENOUGH Kickoff Meeting held at the end of last year

さて、上記いずれも女性のエンパワーメントに特化したプロジェクトであることにお気づきかと思います。ジェンダーに基づく暴力は、世界で最も広まった人権侵害の一つでもあります。UN womanによると、世界の50歳未満の女性と少女の5人に1人が、過去12か月以内にパートナーからの身体的暴力や性的暴力を経験していると報告されています。

発展途上地域が多く残るアフリカ各国では、土着の文化や慣習、特に男性優位の社会体制が根強く残っており、性犯罪やハラスメントの被害は減ることがなく、女性の教育や社会進出に向け多くの課題が残っています。これに対処するには、NGOのみならず、地 方自治体、市民団体、および民 間セクターを含む部門横断的な取り組みが必 要です。





As you may already know, these current projects are to focus on women’s empowerment towards gender equality and the elimination of violence. Gender-based violence is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today. According to UN Women, 1 in 5 women and girls under the age of 50 will have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within the last 12 months. In many African countries, especially Ghana, gendered-based role differentiation, discrimination, male domination are still pervasive. Therefore domestic violence continues to be prevalent and the crime cases has been increasing year by year. To eladicate these harmful practices, cross-sectoral efforts are needed among local government, NGO, civil society and the private sector.

Once the gender equality issue that is one of SDGs achievement is settled, many developing countries could increase their productive population through the development of women’s abilities, which boost GDP. For the active and sustainable economic growth of any country, the equal participation of both sexes is essential. Moreover, it is worth noting that the industrial strength of women is necessary for achieving other pillars of SDGs.

We hope that this movement will spread the entire world through the project, and will help all women become aware of their rights and leading their bright future.

We will continue to post details and photos of these projects through the website and SNS. So if you are interested in, please visit the following sites; https://www.pronetnorth-ghana.org/

*Picture: Community Entering at Wa Municipal District

Thank you for reading the entire article!




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